Independent Expert

My involvement with Independent Expert, a company specializing in management and inspection services in the automotive sector, presented a professional opportunity to translate their mission into a distinctive and meaningful brand. The request was to create a visual mark that echoed the positive act of the checkmark used by inspectors when confirming that an intervention has been successfully executed.

The result is a logo that transcends the image of a simple checkmark, evolving into a representative symbol. My creativity explored the interplay between positive and negative: I transformed the “border” of the letter “I” in Independent into the checkmark and paired the “border” of the letter “E” in Expert to create a visual harmony. This choice not only visually represents the concept of positive verification but also establishes a strong connection between the two key aspects of the company: technical expertise (Expert) and a positive, confirming approach (checkmark).

Regarding the colors, I utilized various shades of blue, a color that conveys seriousness, reliability, and competence. This chromatic choice was driven by the nature of the business, which requires precision and dependability in inspection and management activities. The logo’s construction was guided by a strict grid, helping to maintain precise proportions and alignments. However, despite the rigid structure, the logo feels airy and free, emphasizing the idea of flexibility and adaptability within a professional context.

The work I did for Independent Expert brought to life a visually powerful and relevant brand. The logo not only represents the positive action of inspection but also incorporates the company’s key identities: competence and positive outcomes. The choice of colors and attention to detail in the logo’s construction contributed to creating a distinctive and professional image, accurately reflecting the identity and value of Independent Expert in the automotive sector. Additionally, I managed the creation of their WordPress website.